
Here it is… A NEW YEAR!

@ # Lifestyles
Dr. Gwen Ford relaxing on bench in Savage Garden, Knoxville, Tennessee
Dr. Gwen Ford relaxing on bench in Savage Garden, Knoxville, Tennessee

Dr. Gwen Ford

Hallelujah!!! Finally 2021 is here. I think everyone in the world has been counting down the days to 2021. I know I have been.

Well, NOW that it’s finally here….I am charged up to begin a new chapter in my life. I am a little late in posting this entry in my blog due to the fact that I was so excited making my LONG LONG list of resolutions...that I HAD to take a time out to get real with myself.

I looked at my LONG list and quickly realized that my heart and emotions had run away with my thoughts. Wow! I am the kind of person that I really really take my resolutions seriously. Some of my friends warn me to “go easy on myself”…. Blah blah… What’s the point then.

So, I spent New Years eve getting ready to bring in this wonderful new year. Went and got ingredients to bake cookies, to make my favorite dishes, and I always do something this year it was cook a new recipe from a different country. I was prepared to welcome 2021 in my kitchen!

Well, all of the above happened….was a lot of fun too. And, of course, I ate too much. I actually for the first time ever, slept right thru the first 2 hours of 2021. Wow, this has never happened before. I looked at it like it was a peaceful beginning . Fits right in with one of my resolutions….feel PEACE.

Slow down. Enjoy my moments.

You guys should try it….it feels real real good. And, I had planned to do nothing on the first day of 2021 except to reach out to my hundreds of viewers via text, phone and emails to “connect” and most of all to PRAY with them. Well, I have to admit I’m a little behind on this...mainly because I am taking my time. I love to pray and talk with my viewers and share their moments and needs. I feel this is the most important part of my ministry. God allows me the patience, and gives me a strong desire and joy in doing this.

Well, as I was starting this, I realized I had to take ANOTHER time out, and be quiet and still in my own space….no rushing thru this second day of 2021.

Last nite I totally have revised my 2021 resolutions again! Yep, I had to do it.

I share this with you guys because I feel happy and super motivated right now. I BELIEVE that God quieted my mind and spirit for the beginning of 2021. I certainly didn’t want to sleep the new year in.

But I did. And, I feel great! I feel peaceful and full of hope. I feel optimistic !!

I BELIEVE and pray that each one of you guys take a few minutes to just stop and review your resolutions again. Instead of the usual promises we all make to ourselves….let’s get real this year.

Let’s get RIGHT with God. Let’s ENJOY the moment! Let’s all feel PEACE!


Blessings from Dr. Gwen Ford, I BELIEVE Ministries

Dr. Gwen Ford

Dr. Gwen Ford

I BELIEVE Ministries

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